Scripting Types#



Strings are a series of characters surrounded by quotes.

string_variable: "This is a String variable"


For non-String types, they must be defined as parameters to scripting functions. This is because anything in a variable definition that is not within curly-braces gets evaluated as a String.

We can define Strings within curly-braces by setting them as parameters to a function:

string_variable: >-
    %string('This is a String variable')
string_variable: >-
    %string("This is a String variable")

There are a few ways to make variables that use curly braces more compact, including:

string_variable: >-
  { %string('This is a String variable') }
string_variable: >-
  { %string("This is a String variable") }
string_variable: "{ %string('This is a String variable') }"

In the case that you want to define a string variable that contains both single and double quotes, triple-quotes can be used to avoid closing the String.

string_variable: >-
    %string('''This has both " and ' in it.''')
string_variable: >-
    %string("""This has both " and ' in it.""")

If you want a plain string that contains literal curly braces, you can escape them like so:

string_variable: "This contains \\{ literal curly braces \\}"


Integers are whole numbers with no decimal.

int_variable: >-
int_variable: >-
  { %int(2022) }
int_variable: "{ %int(2022) }"


Floats are floating-point decimals numbers.

float_variable: >-
float_variable: >-
  { %float(3.14) }
float_variable: "{ %float(3.14) }"


A type is considered boolean if it spells out True or False, case-insensitive.

bool_variable: >-
bool_variable: >-
  { %bool(True) }
bool_variable: "{ %bool(FALSE) }"


An Array contains multiple types of any kind, including nested Arrays and Maps. Arrays are defined using brackets ([ ]), and are accessed using zero-based indexing.

array_variable: >-
      "element with index 0",
      [ "Nested Array 3" ]
element_0: >-
    %array_at(array_variable, 0)
array_variable: >-
  { ["element with index 0", 1, 2.0, ["Nested Array 3"]] }
element_0: >-
  { %array_at(array_variable, 0) }
array_variable: "{ ['element with index 0', 1, 2.0, ['Nested Array 3' ]] }"
element_0: "{ %array_at(array_variable, 0) }"


A Map is a key-value store, containing mappings between keys and values. Maps are defined using curly-braces ({ }), and are accessed using their keys.

map_variable: >-
      "string_key": "string_value",
      1: "int_key",
      "list_value": [ "elem0", 1, 2.0 ]
string_value: >-
    %map_get(map_variable, "string_key")
map_variable: >-
  { {"string_key": "string_value", 1: "int_key", "list_value": ["elem0", 1, 2.0]} }
string_value: >-
  { %map_get(map_variable, "string_key") }
map_variable: "{ {'string_key': 'string_value', 1: 'int_key', 'list_value': [ 'elem0', 1, 2.0 ]} }"
string_value: "{ %map_get(map_variable, 'string_key') }"


Null is represented by an empty String, and can be conveyed by spelling out null, case-insensitive.

null_variable: ""
null_variable: >-
  { %string(null) }
null_variable: "{ %string(null) }"

Function Type-Hints#


AnyArgument means any of the above Types are valid as input or output to a scripting function.


Strict typing is enforced. For functions that return AnyArgument need to be casted before passing into functions that expect a particular type.


Numeric refers to either an Integer or Float.


Optional means a particular scripting function argument can be either provided or not included. For example, the function map_get has an optional default value. Both of these usages are valid:

will_throw_key_does_not_exist_error: "{ %map_get( {}, 'key' ) }"
will_return_default: "{ %map_get( {}, 'key', 'default value' ) }"


Lambda parameters are a reference to a function, and will call that lambda function on the input. In this example,

lambda_array_numeric_to_string: >-
    %array_apply( [ 1, 2, 3, 4], %string )

We apply %string as a lambda function to array_apply, which is called on every element in the input array. The output becomes ["1", "2", "3", "4"].

This example has one input-argument being passed into the lambda. For other lambda-based functions like array_enumerate, it expects the lambda function to have two input arguments. These are denoted using LambdaTwo, LambdaThree, etc within the function spec.


LambdaReduce parameters are a reference to a function that will perform a reduce - an operation that reduces an Array to a single value by calling the LambdaReduce function repeatedly on two elements in the Array until it is reduced to a single value.

In this example,

lambda_reduce_sum: >-
    %array_reduce( [ 1, 2, 3, 4], %add )

We call array_reduce on the input array, using add as the LambdaReduce function. This will reduce the Array to a single value by internally calling

  • reduce-call 1: %add(1, 2) = 3 (first two elements)

  • reduce-call 2: %add(3, 3) = 6 (output from first two and third element)

  • reduce-call 3: %add(6, 4) = 10 (output from first three elements and fourth element)

And evaluate to 10.


Returnable arguments are used in conditional functions like if, which implies the argument passed into the function is the function’s output. For example,

conditional_function: >-
    %if( True, "Return this if True", "Return this if False" )

is going to return "Return this if True" since the condition parameter is True.