

You can install our unraid community apps through the Unraid Community Apps plugin.

If you installed the ytdl-sub-gui app, the code-server will be running at http://localhost:8443 (replace localhost with the IP of the computer running Unraid if you aren’t trying to access ytdl-sub on that computer). Open this page in a browser to access and interact with ytdl-sub.

If you installed the ytdl-sub app (headless), open the normal app-specific console to access and interact with ytdl-sub. Once open, you must first run su abc -s /bin/bash to change to the non-root user. You can confirm that this command worked by running whoami and verifying that the result is abc.


If you use the below option to access the ytdl-sub console, be sure to run su abc -s /bin/bash first thing. You can confirm that this command worked by running whoami and verifying that the result is abc. Do NOT run ytdl-sub as the root user! Running as root will set the owner of all modified files to root, which prevents most media managers and players from accessing the files.

The Unraid community app plugin GUI, with an arrow pointing at the "Console" option in the dropdown after selecting ytdl-sub-gui