Initial Download

Initial Download#

Once you have a subscriptions.yaml file created and filled out, you can perform your first download. Access ytdl-sub, navigate to the directory containing your subscriptions.yaml file, then run the below command:

A dry run lets you check that your configuration doesn’t throw any errors and what the expected output files of actually doing the download are, without actually downloading the full media.

ytdl-sub --dry-run sub

A normal run will download all files as determined by your presets and, once processing is finished, move the downloaded and processed files to your output_directory.

ytdl-sub sub

Sometimes you may only want to download media once, in which case adding them to your subscriptions.yaml file is unneccessary. As an example, the below code will download the same videos as our subscription file:

ytdl-sub dl --preset "Jellyfin TV Show by Date" --overrides.subscription_name "NOVA PBS" --overrides.subscription_value "" --overrides.tv_show_genre "Documentaries"