Basic Configuration

Basic Configuration#

Your first configuration will look pretty simple:

 2  working_directory: '.ytdl-sub-downloads'
 5  TV Show:
 6    preset:
 7      - "Jellyfin TV Show by Date"
 8      - "Only Recent"
10    overrides:
11      tv_show_directory: "/ytdl_sub_tv_shows"

The first two lines in this config.yaml file are the configuration, and define the working_directory, which is described near the bottom of this section

Line 4 begins the definition of your custom presets, with line 5 being the name of your first custom preset.

Lines 7 and 8 tell ytdl-sub which Prebuilt Presets to expand on; these presets already indicate that the downloaded files should be:

  • in a format usable by, and with metadata accessible to, Jellyfin

  • sorted by upload date, and

  • only uploaded in the last 2 months (and will also delete any files in the media library which were uploaded over 2 months ago)

Line 11 is an override variable, tv_show_directory, that tells ytdl-sub where to save your downloaded files once they’ve been processed, also known as the output_directory. In this case, the downloaded files will be saved to the youtube folder in the root tv_shows directory.